Oberschlesisches Landesmuseum



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Cultural region Upper Silesia – Paths through changing Times

The State Museum of Upper Silesia [Oberschlesische Landesmuseum, OSLM] is the central museum for the history and culture of Upper Silesia in Germany. We collect and protect the cultural heritage of a region at the heart of Europe which has been impacted over the centuries by numerous cultural, linguistic and political influences.

Since the middle ages, Germans have lived in the lands to the right and left of the upper Oder river. After changing rulers many times, nearly all of Upper Silesia became Prussian under Friedrich the Great, which a small portion remained under Habsburg control. Previously an area of German settlement, Upper Silesia now lies within the borders of Poland and The Czech Republic. It is our aim to present this history in all its multifaceted complexity.

The OSLM fulfils its task in the spirit of friendship between peoples and as a partner in a pan-European dialogue. We are open to all who are interested in a diverse, mutual cultural, societal and economic relationship between East and West. We seek to reach people with a personal connection to Upper Silesia, as well as those without. In our exhibitions and events, we deal with (cultural) historical topics which, alongside their connection to Upper Silesia, are also highly relevant for everyone.

This includes phenomena such as migration, the loss of a homeland and integration in a new place, war and peace, wealth and poverty, as well as economic and societal transformation processes. With these topics, we build bridges between the past, present and future and create points of reference for today’s generation. By doing so, we are contributing actively and continuously to historical and political education.

The State Museum of Upper Silesia is supported institutionally by the State of North Rhine-Westphallia, whose links to Upper Silesia and its people are deeply rooted in a long tradition.

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